Parasha Blog

445 posts


Parashat Vaetchanan

By Rabbi David Cohen: The Chasam Sofer writes that the reason we read the Aseret HaDibrot in Parshas Vaetchanan is because we just went through Tisha b’Av, and during Tisha b’Av it is forbidden to learn Torah. Since we made a hefsek in our learning, we need to make a […]

Parashat Devarim

By Rabbi Moshe Vosoghi: This week’s Parsha opens with Moshe Rabbenu reviewing the travels of the Bnei Yisrael. In the course of his speech, Moshe Rabbenu mentions that the Bnei Yisrael were told not to engage the people of Seir in battle. They were to bypass the land of Seir, […]


Parashat Matot Masei

By Rabbi Yosef Shemtov n this parasha, we see after benei Israel took over the other side of the Jordan river by defeating two superpower nations, the tribes of Reuben and Gad came to Moshe Rabienu and asked to settle down in Transjordan and not to settle in the Land […]

Parashat Pinchas

By Rabbi Nuriel Zargari: At the end of last week’s prasha Klal Yisrael became attracted to the avodah Zarah of Baal Peor, and to the gentile women of Moav. Zimri the Nassi of Shevet Shimon sees what’s going on and goes and takes Kozbi the daughter of the king Tsur. […]


Parashat Chukat-Balak

By Rabbi Shlomo Zargari: Alexander the Great met with our sages as is stated in the Talmud (Tamid 32a). They exchanged many words of wisdom. One question he asked was: “What shall a person do to live?” They gave him a baffling answer: A person who wants to live should […]