Parasha Blog

445 posts

Parashat Ki Tavo

By Rabbi Moshe Vosoghi In this week’s Parsha, we find the Mitzva of Bikkurim. The Torah commands that we bring the first ripened fruits from the seven species to the Bet Hamikdash. Once there, the farmer would read a special passage which also happens to be the main text of […]


Parashat Ki Tetzei

By Rabbi David Cohen: When you will go out to war against your enemy.” (Devarim 21:10) The words “against your enemy” seem to be superfluous. What war does one fight that is not “against your enemy”? Our Sages teach us that the Torah is referring to a perpetual war one […]


Parashat Shoftim

By Rabbi Yosef Shemtov: In this week’s portion, we see that HaShem commands Beni Israel to appoint judges and policemen for you (in singular form) in all your gates (cities) and they should judge people with a just and fair judgment. The Rabbis learn that singular form of “you” means […]


Parashat Re’eh

By Rabbi Shlomo Zargari Shalom, in the Parasha we encounter the famous Pasuk: ״כי פתח תפתח את ידך לו והעבט תעבטנו די מחסורו אשר יחסר לו״ You shall surely open up your hand to him and give him whatever he is lacking.(Devarim 15,8) The Talmud teaches: “The wicked Tornosrofus (the […]

Parashat Eikev

By Rabbi Aharon Seleh: The Sfas Emes has a fascinating insight into the Jewish nation’s journey in the desert. He writes that the forty year journey was a prerequisite to being entitled to Eretz Yisrael, because Eretz Yisrael is one of three things that must come with suffering. But Hashem, […]