By Rabbi Moshe Vosoghi: Parshat Shemot records the beginnings of Klal Yisrael, how the nation was terribly enslaved by Pharaoh and the Egyptians. As difficult as it was, things took a dreadful turn for the worse when Pharaoh was informed that a savior was to be born to the Jewish […]
Parasha Blog
By Rabbi Shlomo Zargari: After the passing of Yaakov Avinu, the Torah tells us of the entourage that went for the burial in the holy land. “ויעל יוסף לקבור את אביו״” Yosef went up to bury his father. Our Hachamim ( Sota 13) teach us that when they arrived at […]
By Rabbi David Cohen: He cried in a loud voice. Egypt heard and Pharaoh’s household heard. (45:2) Chazal (Bereishis Rabbah) state that Yosef’s cries were meant to assuage his brothers’ feelings of guilt and shame. Why was he appeasing them? He was the victim. They were the “aggressors.” It should […]
By Rabbi Yosef Shemtov: Chanukah is the celebration of miracles. It is when Beni Yisrael were freed from the many harsh decrees of the Greeks. It is when a small group of Kohanim went to war with the super power Greece to be able to perform HaShem’s mitsvot freely. We […]
By Rabbi Shlomo Zargari: Shalom, Harav Elchanan Wasserman זצוק״ל הי״ד writes in his famous Sefer קובץ מאמרים , a very interesting thought. Our Hachamim teach us: HaShem forgives the sin of idle worship, adultery and murder, however when it comes to the sin of not studying the Torah, He would […]