By Rabbi Moshe Vosoghi: Parshat Vayikra brings with it the laws of the various korbanot people would bring to the Mishkan and Bet HaMikdash. The chatat, the asham and the minchah are all mentioned in this week’s parsha. However, there is a very intriguing korban called the oleh v’yored that […]
Parasha Blog
By Rabbi Shlomo Zargari Shalom, In this last Parasha of Sefer Shemot, after all the work of the Mishkan was done, we look back and see one Pasuk keeps coming up: כאשר ציוה ה׳ את משה As HaShem commanded Moshe. We can’t fathom the secrets of the Mishkan and its […]
By Rabbi Yosef Shemtov: This week and next week’s Torah Portions, Vayakhel and Pekudei, both talk about the details of building the Tabernacle, holy Ark, Menorah, and Shulchan etc… The purpose of the Mishkan was that the Almighty would communicate with Moshe Rabenu from there, meaning that place, the Almighty’s […]
By Avraham Sani After Klal Yisrael sinned by the golden calf, Moshe beseeched Hashem for forgiveness, and begged for Hashem to personally escort them through the journey through the desert. Hashem indeed agreed and didn’t send a messenger. In addition Hashem also promised to make “miracles and wonders that no […]
By Rabbi Aharon Seleh: In this week’s Parsha, Hashem commands Moshe Rabbeinu to appoint Aharon as Kohen Gadol. Hashem told him ” Bring near to yourself Aharon your brother.” The Ohr Hachaim is bothered by this peculiar phrase. It should have said simply separate Aharon as Kohen Gadol. The Ohr […]