By Rabbi Moshe Vosoghi: Before Moshe met with Pharaoh and threatened to bring the Makkot, Hashem informed Moshe that He will ‘harden Pharaoh’s heart’ to the terrible toll of the Makkot, not allowing Pharaoh to free the Jewish people. The idea that Hashem will “harden Pharaoh’s heart” is difficult to […]
Parasha Blog
By Rabbi David Cohen The meyaldot, midwives, risked their lives to save and sustain the Jewish infants. Pharaoh was a mass murderer; he would have had no problem adding two more Jewish women to his list of victims. Yet, the Torah underscores not their act of saving the children, but […]
By Rabbi Aharon Seleh In this week’s Parsha, the Ohr Hachaim asks the following question. Yaakov Avinu received the name Yisrael, but never lost his original name of Yaakov. But if we look carefully at the verses, they are not consistent. At times, he is called Yaakov, other times Yisrael. […]
Shalom, in our parasha, after Yosef הצדיק reveals his identity to his brothers, he says words of comfort to them. ״ועתה לא אתם שלחתם אותי הנה כי האלוקים״ “And now, it wasn’t you who sent me here but HaShem…”( 45,8) There are many comments on the underrgstanding of this pasuk. […]
By Rabbi Yosef Shemtov: We all know about the miracle of Chanukah, how after the Jews drove the Greek army out of Yerushalayim, they went to the Beit Hamikdash to light the menorah and they only found one small jar of untouched sealed pure oil. There was only enough for […]