Parasha Blog

445 posts

Parashat Vayikra

By Rabbi Aharon Seleh Hashem commanded Moshe to go tell Paroah to let His nation go free. Moshe went to Paroah and did as he was told. But not only did Paroah refuse, things became much more difficult for the Jewish nation. The obvious question is why? After Hashem decided […]

Parashat Ki Tisa

By Rabbi Moshe Vosoghi: Parshat Ki Tisa reveals perhaps the most dramatic and tragic story found in all of the Torah — the story of the Golden Calf. Just a few months after ‘Believing in Hashem and Moshe’, and just a few weeks after ‘We will do and we will […]


Purim Thoughts

By Rabbi Yosef Shemtov: This Shabbat (the Shabbat before Purim) we will take two sifrei Torah out, one for the weekly Torah portion of Tetzaveh and the other for reading the Zakor. It is a positive mitsva to listen to this reading from a kosher sefer Torah. Some believe that […]

Parashat Beshalach

By Rabbi Nuriel Zargari ויהי בשלח פרעה את העם ולא נחם וגו’ [י”ג יז] When the Bnei Yisrael were leaving Egypt, they had two different routes to take. Either they could travel through the land of the Plishtim or through the midbar, the desert. Each path had its advantages and […]


Parshat Bo

By Rabbi Yosef Shemtov: In this week’s parsha, three more makot befell Egypt: locust, darkness and first borns dying. Moshe again goes and pleads to Pharoah to free the Jewish nation and let them go out of the land. Moshe tells him, “You already got seven strikes and if you […]