OR Activity
Following the 1979 Islamic revolution in Iran, Jews felt the need to relocate to a safer sanctuary and left Iran for western countries particularly North America en mass. A large number of families settled in Los Angeles. This mass exodus came in haste and the community was unprepared to replant […]
Rabbi Cohens Help start Jewbnb. A program which allows young professionals to take ownership over Shabbat by inviting their friends. His last event on Cinco De Mayo had over 65 ppl!
This past winter Rabbi David Cohen, took 7 UCLA Pre Med Students to Baltimore. The students were involved in a custom made research program at John Hopkins which will hopefully be published soon( this is program is a project JYP ) . They were given classes by Medical experts and advised […]
The internship provides for an atmosphere to assists with careers, within a yeshiva atmosphere. Lakewood: One student for six weeks Baltimore/D.C./Ner Yisroel: Two male student and one female student for 6 weeks & one male student has been there for a year learning weekly at the Yeshiva. Rabbi Quinn Summer […]