87 posts

Parashat Ki Tetzei

By Rabbi Aharon Seleh: Elul is upon us. Such a wonderful month where we could destroy our sins through תשובה. We must realize that our sins actualize into harmful angels. When we repent properly, we are destroying an army of these angels! But we must realize that תפילה and סליחות […]


Parashat Shoftim

By Rabbi Shlomo Zargari You must be wholehearted with HaShem. (Devarim 18,13). Shalom to all. Rabenu Alshech Hakadosh זצ״ל explains, there are people who keep Torah and Misvot in public, in the community and synagogues, or with family. However, when the person is alone with no one around and watching, […]


Parashat Re’eh

By Rabbi David Cohen See! I present before you today a blessing and a curse. (11:26) Sforno interprets this pasuk to be a reference to the fate of Klal Yisrael’s being characterized by extremes. He writes: “Look and perceive that your affairs (as a nation) are not of an average […]


Parashat Eikev

By Rabbi Yosef Shemtov There is an interesting pasukh in this week’s portion, Eikev, which talks about all the kindness that Hashem has done to Benei Israel such as giving them Mann in the desert for 40 years. The Pasuk says that this was done in order to “Test you […]

Parashat Vaetchanan

By Rabbi Aharon Seleh The מדרש תנחומה brings down that משה רבנו asked Hashem “The Jews committed many sins, yet you pardoned them. Now, please pardon my sin too!” Hashem gave him a few reasons why he wouldn’t pardon his sin. One of them was that he had delayed his […]