
1670 posts

Parashat Tetzaveh

By Rabbi Aharon Seleh: In this week’s Parsha, Hashem commands Moshe Rabbeinu to appoint Aharon as Kohen Gadol. Hashem told him ” Bring near to yourself Aharon your brother.” The Ohr Hachaim is bothered by this peculiar phrase. It should have said simply separate Aharon as Kohen Gadol. The Ohr […]

Parashat Mishpatim

By Rabbi Moshe Vosoghi Parshat Terumah describes the magnificent items housed in the Mishkan, such as the Aron, the Mizbeach, and others. Each one was crafted with awe and reverence, as every vessel had a special and specific purpose in the Mishkan. Not only did they have their outward functions, […]


Parashat Mishpatim

By Rabbi Shlomo Zargari: ״ויאמרו כל אשר דבר ה׳ נעשה ונשמע״ (שמות,כד,ז) “They said, all that HaShem said we will perform and understand “ This is the verse in our Parasha regarding the acceptance of the Torah by our forefathers. If we look back in the Parasha of last week, […]