Parasha Thoughts
By Rabbi Yosef Shemtov
Avraham Avinu had 10 tests. In the test of Lech Lecha, the Almighty asks Avraham to leave his country, his city, and his father’s house. Meanwhile, Hashem assures him that in a new place he will be rich, famous, and able to have children. Avraham is now about 75 years old and he believes in Hashem and was ready to put his life in danger for Hashem’s sake. As we know, King Nimrod put Avraham in a fire because he refused to worship idols. Avraham had full trust that Hashem would fulfill his promises.
So there is a big question here: Why is leaving the country the test?? Wouldn’t a barren person go anywhere to be able to have kids? Isn’t a test something which is hard and challenging? Wouldn’t anyone jump on this opportunity? Why is this one of Avraham’s tests?
The answer is many times we do what God wants from us, but do we do it because God said it, or do we do it because it is good for me and I will benefit from it? The test of Lech Lecha was about Avraham’s intention. Did Avraham do it in order to get rich ,famous and have children, or because this was Hashem’s will? So then Torah states that Avraham did just what Hashem told him to do, meaning he didn’t care about the benefits; he cared about doing God’s will.