Parasha Thoughts
By Rabbi Yosef Shemtov
Rosh Hashana is the day of judgment. The Almighty decides which blessings will come individually and communally. We blow the shofar and we pray and pour our hearts out to Hashem to have a blessed year. We realize that our happiness depends on this awesome day of judgment. What should we do to merit a good judgment and a good year?
The Rabbis tell us one of the things we can do to merit a good judgement is to accept upon ourselves to judge everyone favorably and give others the benefit of doubt.The way the heavenly court works is MIDA KENEGED MIDA,meaning measure for measure. Hashem will act towards us in the same way we act towards others. If we are merciful, Hashem will be merciful to us; if we forgive, Hashem will forgive us. If we judge other people favorably, Hashem will do the same for us.
There are times when we start judging people when we hear one side of a story. The Gemara states it is forbidden for even a learned judge to hear the claim when both sides are not present. We need to understand the importance of patience and we cannot voice our opinion until we know the case 100% from both sides.
On behalf of everyone at Yachad Kollel, I extend to you my wishes for a healthy and happy new year.