Parasha Thoughts
By Rabbi Yosef Shemtov
Pesach was the first holiday given to Beni Israel when they left Egypt. Pesach means pass over. The chag received this name because Hashem said that Beni Israel should make a Pesach sacrifice in their house and eat it there on the night before leaving Egypt. Hashem would pass over their houses when striking the first borns of the Egyptians.
Pesach represents Hashem’s love for his children by saving them from their enemies. We say in the Haggadah that there are enemies in every generation that want to destroy Beni Israel, but Hashem guards us and saves us. Pesach always falls in the Spring. Spring represents a new start; this is when plants and trees start growing leaves and when flowers blossom. Pesach is the time to renew our faith in Hashem and realize that we have a merciful father who is always there for us and loves us; we just need to extend our hand to him.
On behalf of Yachad Kollel, I wish you and your families a happy and meaningful Pesach.
Rabbi Yosef Shemtov
Executive Director of Yachad Kollel