Parashat Eikev

By Rabbi David Cohen:

You shall teach them to your children to discuss them. (11:19)

The Torah provides a unique criterion for teaching Torah to one’s children. They should be able to discuss Torah; or, alternatively, when they speak, Torah should emerge from their mouths. Speech is the communication or expression of thoughts. An individual who speaks Torah, thinks Torah. One’s cognitive dynamic should be shaped by Torah, so that when he expresses an opinion, a comment, it is Torah-based, the expression of a Torah mind. Thus, Rashi explains, as soon as a child is able to speak, his father should teach him Torah, so that it will be his “language” of communication.

Therefore, everything which the child will eventually learn: halachah, mussar/ethics, hashkafah, will all be the tools of his manner of expression. The Torah’s language is eternal. It speaks the language of the past, present and future. We just have to listen.

Shabbat Shalom!