Parashat Emor

By Avraham Sani:

The pasuk says “Do not desecrate my name, rather sanctify my name amongst Klal Yisrael……I am the One who brought you out of Egypt”. This is the famous pasuk that commands us with the mitzva of Kiddush Hashem. The commentators are puzzled by the juxtaposition of these verses. What connection is their between Kiddush Hashem and the Exodus from Egypt? What is the Torah trying to convey?

The Sfat Emet answers beautifully. By the Exodus from Egypt we know that Hashem performed tremendous miracles and literally twisted nature to a point that sanctified his name and presence in the world. This is the primary way of his sanctity. Similarly, Klal Yisrael are gifted with this power to overcome seemingly impossible feats that counter human nature, specifically because they sanctify His name. We all are aware of the plethora of stories from many tzadikim that were able to endure much suffering all to be MEKADESH SHEM SHAMAYIM.

I recently read an incredible story that illustrates this point. During the Holocaust, a Nazi soldier once entered the bunker and mercilessly delivered 50 lashes with a rubber whip to a young boy. The bystanders were shocked to see the boy not utter a single sound of pain during the entire duration of lashes! They even found large marks on his forehead. When asked how he managed to hold back his emotions, he responded “It was worth it. I delivered Siddurim to my friends to pray from.” This boy clearly demonstrated how a Kiddush Hashem can overtake any suffering.

May we be zocheh to always be MEKADESH SHEM SHAMAYIM! Amen