Parashat Pinchas

By Rabbi Aharon Seleh: In this week’s Parsha, Hashem rewards Pinchas for his zealous action in killing Zimri and thereby saving the Jewish
nation from annihilation. The Kli Yakar says Pinchas was the one person who had the most valid excuses to exempt
himself from killing Zimri. His own father married a Midyanite lady, Yitro’s daughter. His grandfather, Yitro had
worshiped Idols. His other grandfather Aharon Hacohen had made the golden calf. Who was he to come and take
revenge against Zimri who sinned on both those accounts?

People were liable to make a laughingstock out of him. Yet, Pinchas knew it was the right thing to do and forged
ahead. Not only was he not degraded, but he became a hero. Hashem gave him tremendous reward for his action
Many times we know what we must do, but hesitate because of possible consequences. One will never lose out by
doing Hashem’s Will