Parashat Beha’alotcha

By Avraham Sani:

This week’s parasha begins with Aharon’s daily lighting of the Menora and all of its details. The pasuk says Aharon did exactly as Hashem requested. Rashi explains this is “להגיד שבחו של אהרן שלא שנה” – the pasuk wants to compliment Aharon for not modifying anything Hashem instructed regarding the Menora. This Rashi begs for understanding. Isn’t it expected that Aharon would follow exactly as commanded? What else was available to do?

My late Rosh Hayeshiva Harav Baruch Mordechai Ezrachi ZTL answered beautifully. We find that by the construction of the Mishkan the Torah mentions 18 times “כאשר צוה ה את משה”. Why? He explains that most workers and employees when ordered to do a certain project, they produce an outcome which is roughly similar to the initial instruction, yet not exact. This is because we have a natural subconscious tendency to inject a sense of individuality into the project, otherwise we feel robotic and the work seems generic and lifeless. As such slight modifications occur to represent our involvement in the project. Therefore, by the Mishkan the Torah emphasizes that not a single task or plan was changed!

This is also the reason for complimenting Aharon’s performance of lighting the Menora. Despite being a simple task, and repeating it daily for almost 4 decades, he didn’t alter an iota of the Mitzva. Indeed, he may have wanted to say some extra prayers or add some decorations to the Menora, but nevertheless, he overcame this temptation and carried out the exact Mitzva. Such true dedication is exemplary.