By Rabbi Nuriel Zargari
ויהי בשלח פרעה את העם ולא נחם וגו’ [י”ג יז]
When the Bnei Yisrael were leaving Egypt, they had two different routes to take. Either they could travel through the land of the Plishtim or through the midbar, the desert. Each path had its advantages and disadvantages. Traveling through the land of the Plishtim would have the advantage of not having to worry about parnassa, as they could easily buy food from the Plishtim. However, they faced the danger of being influenced by Plishtim, considering they just left Egypt, where they were on the 49th level of tumah. Who could assure they wouldn’t be influenced to follow the wicked ways of the goyim. The Second route, traveling through the midbar, had the benefit of no bad influences, with the disadvantage of there being no source of parnassa in middle of an empty desert.
Hashem decided that it was better to travel through the midbar that was free from bad influences, rather than taking them through the land of the Plishtim that was tamei. The disadvantage of the lack of parnassa Hashem took care of by making a miracle and sending us the Mann from heaven. Why? In order that the Bnei Yisrael should not be influenced by the ways of the goyim!
From here we learn, says the Chofetz Chaim, the correct outlook for when we find ourselves in a situation where we risk our purity by exposing ourselves to bad influences – all those who sell themselves to their job and businesses even at the risk of hurting their yidishkiet, bringing bad influences into the house “because they need it for parnassa.” We should learn from Yitseat Mitsrayim that if Hashem can bring down the Mann (food) for 600,000 people, for sure he can give parnassa to all those who keep his Torah and stay away from bad influences.