Parashat Eikev

By Rabbi Yosef Shemtov

There is an interesting pasukh in this week’s portion, Eikev, which talks about all the kindness that Hashem has done to Benei Israel such as giving them Mann in the desert for 40 years.
The Pasuk says that this was done in order to “Test you to do good on your end, and you may say in your heart, ‘My strength and the might of my hand made me all this wealth.’”

We see clearly that we are in this world to be tested, and the purpose is to deserve receiving reward. Also, one of the purposes of Hashem giving us success in life is to see if we understand and appreciate that it is from the Almighty. God forbid should one think, “I made it and it is all me.”

We are constantly being tested. If we pass one test we are given a different test. However, we should know that the test of being rich is much harder than the test of being poor. The Torah many times warns to be careful not to forget about Hashem when a person becomes rich. When someone shares his blessings with people in need or when he gives charity to the Torah institutions to strengthen Torah in the community, he is surely passing his test.

May HaShem help everyone overcome their test.

Shabbat Shalom.