
Parasha Thoughts

By Rabbi Yosef Shemtov

We might think we commemorate Chanukah because of the miracle of the oil. After the war between Greece and the Jewish partisans and after Jerusalem was liberated, a small jar of uncontaminated oil was found that should only have lasted for one night but lasted for eight nights. It lasted until they were able to make pure oil to light the menorah in the temple.
However, the truth is that the real miracle of Chanukah was the victory of a small group of inexperienced Kohanim over a superpower.

The Greeks made decrees on the Jewish people not to do mitzvot. The Rabbis explain that these decrees were a result of the Jewish people’s lack of enthusiasm for observing the commandments while they were free and able. The Almighty ‘s shekhina left them and the Greeks started imposing decrees on them not to do mitzvot.

Finally, a small group of Kohanim got together and said the only way we can be free to perform the mitzvot is by self sacrifice for the sake of God and the mitzvot. We celebrate Chanukah because God’s glory returned to Beni Israel after they demonstrated that they cared about the mitzvot and were even ready to sacrifice their lives for the mitzvot. The Miracle of the oil just was a sign of Hashem’s love for Beni Israel.

On behalf of the Yachad Kollel rabbis, I would like to wish you a meaningful Chanukah!


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