Parasha Thoughts
By Rabbi David Cohen
That you shall take of the first of every fruit of the ground that you bring in from your land that Hashem, your G-d, gives you. (26:20)
The mitzvah of Bikurim is unique. The Torah refers to Bikurim as “reishit pri,” the first fruit. The first words of the Torah are “Bereishit bara Elokim,” “In the beginning Hashem created.” The Midrash comments that Hashem created the world in the merit of Bikurim, which is called reishit. When the farmers who were bringing their first fruits to Yerusholayim would come with their produce, everyone would stop their work to pay their respects to them. Although it is forbidden for a workman to take time off from his work to speak to anyone, he is permitted in this situation-out of an overriding sense of respect for the mitzvah of Bikurim.
Elul is upon us. Time to focus on Teshuvah. A key step to start the process is realizing and appreciating the goodness Hashem has provided us. May we all be Zocheh to gain true awe of Hashem.