Parasha Thoughts
By Rabbi Yosef Shemtov
Our sages teach us in the tractate of Rosh Hashana that if one is poor at the beginning of the year, he will be rich by its end. This statement is unusual and requires an explanation in order to be understood correctly.
Our Rabbis explain that G-d determines the fate of individuals, communities, and the entire world on Rosh Hashana for the coming year. The gifts Hashem bestowed upon us during the previous year such as health, wealth, and success were only a deposit for that year. Every Rosh Hashana, G-d decides whether to renew His gift or to remove it from us, G-d forbid.
In the beginning of the year we must feel that we are poor, meaning that we must realize we own nothing; all belongs to the Almighty. If on Rosh Hashana we appreciate G-D’s ownership and pray like a poor person who has nothing, then not only will G-d extend those blessings into the new year, but He will also increase those blessings.
We need to realize that everything belongs to the Almighty: He can take and He can give. From this awareness we can merit to have a blessed year.
On behalf of Yachad Kollel, I would like wish you and your family a meaningful Rosh Hashana and a year filled with happiness, health and prosperity.
L’Shana Tova
Rabbi Yosef Shemtov